Why Summer Is Good For Your Health
Summer is in full swing at the Jersey Shore. Even though the humidity has been high and we’ve had daily thunderstorms lately, it is arguably one of the best seasons in New Jersey! Along with the warmer weather and fun activities this season brings, summer also provides a wide variety of health benefits to people. In this blog we are going to talk about how the summer season is beneficial to your health and well-being.
Summer brings your body an increase in Vitamin D levels
Your body’s main source of Vitamin D comes from the sun. It is the only vitamin your body can make on its own. Since most summer days are spent outside, your body is going to soak up the sun (even on a cloudy day) and produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D brings your body a number of benefits: strengthens bones, may prevent falls, fights inflammation, helps battle depression by boosting your mood, lowers chronic pain levels and more. Another benefit that Vitamin D has on the body is that it helps strengthen your immune system. Currently, it is important for everyone to keep their immune system as healthy as it can. If you don’t know your Vitamin D levels, talk with your doctor to find out. It is a simple blood test. Since summer is here, the easiest way to get some Vitamin D is to get a daily dose of sunshine— just don’t forget your sunscreen and make sure you re-apply after a few hours!
Summer involves more outdoor activities
Except for hot and humid days, summer makes it more tolerable to be outside in the fresh air. During the winter, it can be more difficult to find yourself outside in the sun. Summer not only allows you to be outside more, it makes most people more active. With longer days in the summer, many people begin to go on daily runs, walks, bike rides, participate in beach yoga, swim, surf and more. With the warmer weather comes more opportunities to get outside and be active. Even if that just means walking the boardwalk with your family. A lot of the exercise that we do goes unnoticed for just “daily things”; walking being one of them. Someone might not consider walking on the boardwalk to be exercise, however try counting your steps on a summer day versus a winter day and you will be pleasantly surprised.
During summer we tend to watch what we eat
More often than not, the few months prior to summer you spent a lot of time shaping up your body for your swimsuits. Now that it is summer, you do not want to just throw it all away! It’s ok to indulge in ice cream or sweets every once in a while, but try not to overdo it. Moderation is key. I find that it is easier to eat healthier in the summer. Healthier food options are more accessible. Local farmer’s markets are open offering fresh seasonal fruits and veggies. Because it is warmer, our meals tend to be lighter, more smoothies, salads, fish and less “comfort foods” like heavy pastas and starches we may crave in the cold days of winter.
Summer is a time to relax and unwind
Summer is associated with relaxation and lower stress. It is an escape for most people. Think about it, when you go on vacation in the winter where do you go? More often than not, it is some place warm and sunny. In the warmer weather, we tend to be happier, healthier, and feel less stressed. Just think of a nice relaxing day by the pool or on the beach, reading a book and eating the freshest fruits— a day like that sounds pretty relaxing and enjoyable.
We spend more time with our families
Summer is all about making memories. With school out and some jobs offering summer hours, we tend to see our families more often. Because time goes by so fast, let’s use the summer as a chance to stay connected with our loves ones. If it’s too hot and humid to be outside, then stay indoors with the AC on playing games or spend the day inside a museum or arcade. Try to limit phone and tablet use so that your time together isn’t distracted too much.
We are happier
I can’t speak for everyone when I say this, but warmer weather makes most people feel happier. As I said earlier, Vitamin D levels have a direct affect on a person’s mood and being in the sun helps boost one’s mood. Plus summer means vacations, summer hours, and possibly sleeping in. Not to mention all of the fun activities that summer brings the family. Check out our previous blog, 50 Things I Love at the Jersey Shore, for a list of fun activities that you and your family can try out this season— all of which are sure to leave a smile on everyone’s faces!
As you can see, summertime is beneficial to our bodies in a multitude of ways. I know some days are brutal because of the heat and not everyone enjoys the summer; however, the sunshine and Vitamin D it produces will make you feel a little better. There is nothing that a little sunshine can’t fix, especially if you’re at the Jersey Shore!