Dangers of Sugar
Dr Pakenham2022-10-17T13:00:19-07:00Dangers of Sugar Halloween is around the corner and you know what that means—candy! During this time of year, we go into food and drug stores and are immediately met with aisles full of large
Dangers of Sugar Halloween is around the corner and you know what that means—candy! During this time of year, we go into food and drug stores and are immediately met with aisles full of large
Five Ways To Support Our Pink Warriors For years now, every October we decorate our stores, schools, hospitals, ourselves and more with the color pink. Pink and pink ribbons have become the symbol for breast
Will Chiropractic Help My Low Back Pain Many people suffer from lower back pain. In fact, it is estimated that 8 in 10 Americans will experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime.
How To Reduce Neck and Upper Back Pain It is very common for individuals to experience some kind of discomfort in their upper back and neck. Some people think that stiffness and pain is something
Fall Prevention My awareness has recently been raised about a public health care concern regarding our senior population and their risk of falling. More than 1/3 of people over 65, fall every year. Falls
Common causes of pain Everyone has experienced pain at some point in their lives. Whether it's minor or intense pain, we all know that it is not a pleasant experience. Pain can come from
Is It Safe To Adjust Myself? We have all seen someone do it or maybe you even tried it yourself. It looks like a stretch but then all of a sudden someone takes their neck
How To Cope With Our Greatest Stress Today there are many different stresses but for most people, the majority of their stress comes from financial, family, health, work or school life. People may have a
Fun Activities For Labor Day Weekend Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of the summer. Luckily for us at the Jersey Shore, September is when “local summer” begins. Even though there are hints of
Backpack Safety September is quickly approaching and as we get closer to Labor Day, we get closer to back to school. Back to school commercials are everywhere and all the stores have their shelves lined